Page 73 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 73

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         The SCS Administrative Director and the Coordinators
         continue to hold regular meetings and training sessions
         with the Principals and Assistant Principals to maintain
         attendance as a primary focus.

         Continue to sponsor a mini-COMP STAT Meeting in
         November and the annual COMP STAT Meeting in
         February. (What is the cost of this meeting?)

         6.11 Digital Portfolio pilot will be expanded, so that   LEA Wide   X All              (Curriculum)  Supplemental $78,500
         students can engage in a reflection of their learning           OR:-------
         utilizing 21st century skills. Portfolios also allow parents       Low Income pupils
         and administrators a window into student learning.                 English Learners
                                                                            Foster Youth
                                                                            Redesignated fluent
                                                                         English proficient
                                                                            Other Subgroups:

         6.12 District will partner with East LA Classic Theater to  7-12   X All               (Secondary)  Supplemental $60,000
         provide 2 secondary schools the opportunity to reinforce  Schools   OR:-------
         language and literacy skills through STEAM.  (Language             Low Income pupils
         in Play)                                                           English Learners
                                                                            Foster Youth
                                                                            Redesignated fluent
                                                                         English proficient
                                                                            Other Subgroups:
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