Page 70 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
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                                                                      LCAP Year 2: 2017-18
         Expected Annual  Increase student participation in pathways to college and career programs and provide resources and support systems to engage students in
            Measurable    learning.
            Outcomes:     Increase student engagement through the use of digital resources to expand the interests of students’ college and career options.
                          Maintain 96% in student attendance and decrease chronic truancies and absenteeism.
                          Increase graduation rate and reduce dropout rate (8-12th grades).

                                                                           Pupils to be served
                                                              Scope of                                                 Budgeted
                           Actions/Services                               within identified scope
                                                               Service                                               Expenditures
                                                                               of service
         6.1 Increase technology services and monitoring    LEA Wide     X All                  (Tech)  Base $105,000
         progress                                                        OR:-------
         •   EADMS Data Management System                                   Low Income pupils
         •   Aeries Intervention Management                                 English Learners
                                                                            Foster Youth
                                                                            Redesignated fluent
                                                                         English proficient
                                                                            Other Subgroups:
         6.2 Software and technology to engage EL, low income,  LEA Wide      All               (Sp. Prog)  Supplemental $23,000
         and foster youth students in their learning                     OR:-------
                                                                         X Low Income pupils
         Facilitate access to Chromebooks and scientific                 X English Learners
         calculators for all Foster Youth and Homeless students.         X Foster Youth
                                                                            Redesignated fluent
                                                                         English proficient
                                                                            Other Subgroups:
         6.3 Fund materials, services and program costs for   High       X All                  (Secondary)  Supplemental $13,000
         college and career programs to support college and   Schools    OR:-------
         career readiness.                                                  Low Income pupils   (Secondary)  Supplemental $14,000
                                                                            English Learners    (Secondary)  Supplemental $25,000
         a.. Maintain the IB Fees for CHS IB program.                       Foster Youth        (Secondary)  Supplemental $147,000
                                                                            Redesignated fluent
         b. College Board fees to support district college and           English proficient
         career initiatives and increase AP participation.                  Other Subgroups:
         c. Provide training for AP, IB and CTE teachers to attend
         professional development to increase student outcomes.

         d. College Board Suite of Tests to increase access to
         college readiness. (PSAT & SAT grades 9-12)
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