Page 71 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 71
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6.4 Increase pupil engagement through expanding 7-12 X All (Secondary) Supplemental $20,500
community day school and Richland HS. Schools OR:-------
Low Income pupils (Secondary) Supplemental $46,000
a. Increase attendance and student engagement grades English Learners (Secondary) Supplemental $20,500
7-12 with the Plasco/HERO attendance monitoring Foster Youth
system. Redesignated fluent
English proficient
b. Plasco/Hero will support students who have Other Subgroups:
attendance and behavior issues that impact their ability (Specify)
to be college ready.
c. Provide CDS a section for attendance intervention to
support learning and increase school connectedness.
6.5 Continue to provide four P21 specialists to the high 7-12 X All (Secondary) Supplemental $513,525
schools to coordinate CTE pathway development and Schools OR:-------
STEM opportunities for students. Low Income pupils
English Learners
Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
English proficient
Other Subgroups:
6.6 a. Allocate funds for to expand and increase access 7-12 X All (Secondary) Supplemental $358,750
to AP classes and rigorous college and career STEAM Schools OR:------- (Secondary) Supplemental $40,000
courses. Low Income pupils
English Learners
b. Provide Project lead the Way (PLTW) programs at K- Foster Youth
8 to increase access to STEM and college & career Redesignated fluent
readiness. English proficient
Other Subgroups:
6.7 a. Continue to fund: AP/IB Training and college and 7-12 X All (Secondary) Supplemental $17,000
career trainings. Schools OR:-------
Low Income pupils (Secondary) Supplemental $19,475
b. Provide a section for the IB Case Coordinator to English Learners (Secondary) Supplemental $350.00
monitor student outcomes and develop the IB program. Foster Youth (Secondary) Supplemental $17,425
Redesignated fluent
c. Maintain ACT Fees to increase access and English proficient
opportunity for college and career readiness. Other Subgroups:
d. Pay extra Extra Earnings to teacher and counselors
for providing learning opportunities beyond the school
day for AP/IB, WASC, AMC and college planning.