Page 76 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 76
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d. Pay extra Extra Earnings to teacher and counselors
for providing learning opportunities beyond the school
day for AP/IB, WASC, AMC and college planning.
Provide training for teachers participating in
and college and career opportunities.
6.8 Maintain counselor on special assignment (COSA) 7-12 X All (Secondary) Supplemental $115,569
for secondary schools (academic) who will work with Schools OR:-------
schools to provide college and career readiness Low Income pupils
strategies and planning. English Learners
Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
English proficient
Other Subgroups:
6.9 Continue to communicate the importance of school LEA Wide X All (SCS) No cost involved
attendance and the effects chronic absenteeism can OR:-------
have on student achievement through various modes of Low Income pupils
communication, including school meetings and events. English Learners
Foster Youth
Produce monthly information items to all Principals and Redesignated fluent
Assistant Principals illustrating LCAP Goals such as English proficient
overall attendance rates, overall truancy rates, Other Subgroups:
suspension rates and chronic absenteeism. SART, (Specify)
SARB and the District Attorney Meetings also continue
to serve as an intervention and deterrent against poor
Review these processes in the monthly/quarterly
Assistant Principals' Meetings with a focus on discipline
and attendance.
6.10 Monitors student attendance, truancies and LEA Wide X All (SCS) No cost involved
absenteeism throughout the year by doing the following: OR:-------
Low Income pupils
Generate the appropriate attendance reports English Learners
Communicate with school sites regarding students Foster Youth
with attendance concerns Redesignated fluent
Made home visits when appropriate English proficient
Continue to offer quarterly school site attendance Other Subgroups:
award winners for Most Improved for the current (Specify)
year, Most Improved from year-to-year, Highest
Overall Attendance Rate for the current year and
Highest Overall Attendance Rate from year-to-year.