Page 79 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 79
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improved connectivity and engagement with their X Other Subgroups:
school. (Specify)
McKinney Vento
Mentors paid extra earnings to be trained monthly by
Foster Youth Coordinator.
7.3 School climate survey will be given to students to LEA Wide X All (Sp. Prog) Supplemental $4,500
obtain their input on engagement and school climate. OR:-------
Low Income pupils
English Learners
Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
English proficient
Other Subgroups:
7.4 Provide professional development on Positive LEA Wide X All (Ath/Act) Supplemental $22,131
Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS). OR:-------
Low Income pupils
English Learners
Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
English proficient
Other Subgroups:
7.5a Continue services provided by Coordinator - Foster LEA Wide All (SCS) Supplemental $157,500
Youth, Homeless, and At-Risk Youth; OR:-------
Coordinator to maintain Foster Connections, Low Income pupils (SCS) Supplemental 40,000
Connections Mentor Program, and initiate College English Learners
Connections Program to ensure foster and homeless X Foster Youth
youth are connected to school and there is an increase Redesignated fluent
in positive student outcomes. English proficient
Other Subgroups:
Coordinator continues to process Homeless applications (Specify)
and makes contact with all families to make sure school
needs are met including transportation, nutrition
services, school supplies, resources, tutoring, and
connecting students with a mentor at school.
b. Coordinator attends all school meetings for Foster
Youth and Homeless students to provide additional
support and collaboration for families and school teams.
Clerical support for our Coordinator is needed to help
manage the growing caseload of Foster Youth and
McKinney Vento students.