Page 83 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
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LCAP Year 3: 2018-19
Expected Annual Increase awareness / access to counseling and other mental health services to improve student outcomes and sense of well-being.
Measurable Increase student’s school connectedness through increased PBIS, school activities and events at all schools.
Outcomes: Reduction of suspensions, truancies, dropout rates
Increase graduation rates
Pupils to be served within
Scope of Budgeted
Actions/Services identified scope of
Service Expenditures
7.1 Supplement and support GATE. (program and LEA Wide All (Curriculum) Base $30,000
material cost) OR:-------
Low Income pupils
English Learners
Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
English proficient
X Other Subgroups:
Gifted Youth
7.2 Fund Connections Mentor Program for Foster Youth LEA Wide All (SCS) Supplemental $84,000
and McKinney Vento students at school sites. OR:-------
*Teachers and staff are paid extra earnings to serve as Low Income pupils
mentors to foster youth at each secondary school. English Learners
Meeting with one-on-one weekly/monthly with students X Foster Youth
to cultivate positive relationships in order to increase Redesignated fluent
attendance, grades, improved behavior and for English proficient
improved connectivity and engagement with their X Other Subgroups:
school. (Specify)
McKinney Vento
Mentors are paid extra earnings to be trained monthly by
Foster Youth Coordinator.
7.3 School climate survey will be given to students to LEA Wide X All (Sp. Prog) Supplemental $4,500
obtain their input on engagement and school climate. OR:-------
Low Income pupils
English Learners
Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
English proficient
Other Subgroups: