Page 82 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 82
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Coordinator continues to processes Homeless
applications and makes contact with all families to make
sure school needs are met including transportation,
nutrition services, school supplies, resources, tutoring,
and connecting students with a mentor at school.
b. Coordinator continues to attend all school meetings
for Foster Youth and Homeless students to provide
additional support and collaboration for families and
school teams. Clerical support for our Coordinator is
needed to help manage the growing caseload of Foster
Youth and McKinney Vento students.
7.6 The SCS Coordinators and the Administrative LEA Wide X All (SCS) Supplemental $ 40,000
Director will continue to meet with students, parents and OR:-------
school teams to put into place interventions for identified Low Income pupils
students, including homeless students, to increase their English Learners
likelihood of graduating from high school. California Foster Youth
Youth Services (CYS) will be utilized to support this Redesignated fluent
action. English proficient
Other Subgroups:
Professional Development for school staff will continue
to provide training sessions for staff to implement
strategies and interventions to enable students to
increase attendance, reduce truancies and suspensions,
excel academically and get involved in school activities,
both co-curricular and extra-curricular.
7.7 Continue to provide Administrative Director for LEA Wide X All (Ath/Act) Supplemental $191,675
athletics, activities, and school connectedness to OR:-------
support expansion of student engagement from Low Income pupils
Preschool-12th grades. English Learners
Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
English proficient
Other Subgroups: