Page 88 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 88
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Reduce class size 30 to 1 (HR) Base $1,943,700 Classes are staffed at a 30:1 ratio with (HR) Base $1,943,700
continual monitoring by Human
Scope of LEA Wide Scope of LEA Wide
Service Service
X All X All
OR:------- OR:
Low Income pupils Low Income pupils
English Learners English Learners
Foster Youth Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent English Redesignated fluent English proficient
proficient Other Subgroups: (Specify)
Other Subgroups: (Specify)
Increase technology services and (Tech) Base $545,000 All of these positions were filled to (Tech) Base $870,135
support to all schools support the increasing technology need
• 2 site techs of the district. The additional tech
• extra earning for tech specialists support allows the district to
• Director of Information Technology increase 100% of the IT onsite serving
• Web & Internet Communications hour on the elementary school
Specialist campuses and 50% more at the middle
• Network Access Control (NAC) - schools. OUSD increased staffing in
BYOD Infrastructure Technology Services to support the
• 2 Instructional Specialists exponentially increasing number of
Technology devices in our district. As teachers and
• 1 Information Service Specialist students adopt new technology,
thousands of new devices are being
purchased by OUSD. Technology
services has utilized extra earnings to
setup more than 2,500 mobile devices
this year. A Director of Information
Technology was hired to support the
37% increase in site and district
technical support staff members.
Reliance on internet and social based
communication prompted OUSD to hire
a Web & Internet Communications
Specialist to ensure that communication
to the community is timely and
accurate. In addition, to support an ever
increasing need for a Bring Your Own
Device (BYOD) program and provide a