Page 108 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 108
Page 94 of 119
received supplemental support through
Scope of LEA Wide Scope of LEA Wide
Service Service
X All X All
OR:------- OR:
Low Income pupils Low Income pupils
English Learners English Learners
Foster Youth Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent English Redesignated fluent English proficient
proficient Other Subgroups: (Specify)
Other Subgroups: (Specify)
Student access to intervention and (Secondary) Supplemental Summer school program was offered to (Secondary) Supplemental $985,000
academic support services (Credit $985,000 all students needing credit recovery as
recovery, summer school CAHSEE well as acceleration opportunities.
support). Credit recovery is offered all year long
at each secondary school to serve the
needs of students not meeting the
Additional sections were provided to the
HS's for intervention and support to
meet with CAHSEE standards.
Scope of Secondary Schools Scope of Secondary Schools
Service Service
X All X All
OR:------- OR:
Low Income pupils Low Income pupils
English Learners English Learners
Foster Youth Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent English Redesignated fluent English proficient
proficient Other Subgroups: (Specify)
Other Subgroups: (Specify)