Page 112 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 112
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Provide teacher professional (Curriculum) Supplemental $92,680 CTE/STEM and Integrated Arts (Curriculum) Supplemental $86,517
development in the implementation of programs were implemented and
the state standards and practice to teachers of these programs were
implement CTE/STEM and Integrated provided professional development and
Arts Planning and Professional support.
Scope of LEA Wide Scope of LEA Wide
Service Service
X All X All
OR:------- OR:
Low Income pupils Low Income pupils
English Learners English Learners
Foster Youth Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent English Redesignated fluent English proficient
proficient Other Subgroups: (Specify)
Other Subgroups: (Specify)
Foster Connections Program (SCS) no cost Monthly meetings were held for foster (SCS) no cost
parents and caregivers who have foster
children in schools within OUSD. Foster
Connections serves to educate and to
gain input from foster parents on
programs and services within Orange
Unified. Education, networking, support,
and the acquisition of feedback from
stakeholders are goals of the program.
Scope of LEA Wide Scope of LEA WIde
Service Service
All All
OR:------- OR:
Low Income pupils Low Income pupils
English Learners English Learners
X Foster Youth X Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent English Redesignated fluent English proficient
proficient Other Subgroups: (Specify)
Other Subgroups: (Specify)