Page 117 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 117

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          Scope of  Secondary Schools                                           Scope of   Secondary Schools
          Service                                                               Service

         X All                                                                 X All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
            Low Income pupils                                                     Low Income pupils
            English Learners                                                      English Learners
            Foster Youth                                                          Foster Youth
            Redesignated fluent English                                           Redesignated fluent English proficient
         proficient                                                               Other Subgroups: (Specify)
            Other Subgroups: (Specify
         CTE Stem Summer Academy             (Secondary)  Supplemental         The CTE STEM summer academy will      (Secondary)  Supplemental TBD
                                             $150,000                          begin in the late spring and continue
                                                                               through August. Will be hosted at 4

                                                                               sites to support an interdisciplinary
                                                                               STEM program.
          Scope of  Secondary Schools                                           Scope of   Secondary Schools
          Service                                                               Service

         X All                                                                 X All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
            Low Income pupils                                                     Low Income pupils
            English Learners                                                      English Learners
            Foster Youth                                                          Foster Youth
            Redesignated fluent English                                           Redesignated fluent English proficient
         proficient                                                               Other Subgroups: (Specify)
            Other Subgroups: (Specify)
         PSAT FEES                           (Secondary)  Supplemental $28,000   All 10th grade students were given the   (Secondary)  Supplemental $29,988
                                                                               PSAT 10 (2200) to measure AP

                                                                               potential and increase college
          Scope of  Secondary Schools                                           Scope of   Secondary Schools
          Service                                                               Service

         X All                                                                 X All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
            Low Income pupils                                                     Low Income pupils
            English Learners                                                      English Learners
            Foster Youth                                                          Foster Youth
            Redesignated fluent English                                           Redesignated fluent English proficient
         proficient                                                               Other Subgroups: (Specify)
            Other Subgroups: (Specify)
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