Page 120 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 120

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          Scope of  LEA Wide                                                    Scope of   LEA Wide
          Service                                                               Service

         X All                                                                 X All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
            Low Income pupils                                                     Low Income pupils
            English Learners                                                      English Learners
            Foster Youth                                                          Foster Youth
            Redesignated fluent English                                           Redesignated fluent English proficient
         proficient                                                               Other Subgroups: (Specify)
            Other Subgroups: (Specify)

         What changes in actions,       SCS will continue to raise awareness of the LCAP goals for attendance. SCS will also continue to train the AP's and
         services, and expenditures will be  Principals on data-driven decision making including truancy interventions, chronic absentee interventions and other
         made as a result of reviewing   attendance interventions to increase in-seat attendance. The two COMP STAT meetings per year offer the administration a
         past progress and/or changes to   valuable chance to dialogue regarding successful school site interventions that are creating high attendance rates, low
         goals?                         truancy rates and low suspension rates. The dedicated service of our Coordinators and POSA vis-a-vis their caseloads will
                                        continue to be a major focus of this office.  Special Programs will examine how to expand programs for English learners over
                                        the summer at the elementary level based on overall CELDT and reclassification data. Secondary is adding Project Lead the
                                        Way to our K-8 school to increase access to STEM and college and career readiness.

        Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.
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