Page 119 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
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English Learners English Learners
Foster Youth Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent English Redesignated fluent English proficient
proficient Other Subgroups: (Specify)
Other Subgroups: (Specify)
The Office of Student Community (SCS) no cost SCS has worked with each school site (SCS) no cost
Services diligently monitors student to maintain attendance on track with
attendance, truancies and last year's mark of over 96.23% overall
absenteeism throughout the year. The (Up .07% from 2013-2014) and 96.52%
Administrative Director, Coordinators for K-8 overall attendance, one of the
and the Senior Staff Clerk regularly highest attendance rates for both
ran the appropriate attendance categories in the entire county and
reports, communicated with school state. The OUSD truancy rate as of
sites regarding students with mid-January, 2016 was at 2.17%,
attendance concerns and made home again, one of the lowest rates in the
visits when prudent. Orange Unified county and state. The SCS
School District continues to Administrative Director and the
communicate the importance of school Coordinators have held regular
attendance and the effects chronic meetings and training sessions with the
absenteeism can have on student Principals and Assistant Principals to
achievement through various modes maintain attendance as a primary
of communication, including school focus. In an effort to stay abreast
meetings and events. The Office of current attendance rates and strategies
Student and Community Services to improve attendance rates, SCS
produces monthly information items to sponsored a mini-COMP STAT Meeting
all Principals and Assistant Principals in November, 2015 and the annual
illustrating LCAP Goals such as COMP STAT Meeting in February,
overall attendance rates, overall 2016. The OUSD truancy rate as of
truancy rates, suspension rates and mid-January, 2016 was at 2.17% which
chronic absenteeism. SART, SARB is one of the lowest rates in the county
and the District Attorney Meetings also and state. The OUSD district-wide
continue to serve as an intervention suspension rate is at 1.55% thus far
and deterrent against poor this school year as of Feb. 8, 2016, one
attendance. The Office of Student and of the lowest rates in the county and
Community Services review these vital state.
processes in the monthly Assistant
Principals' Meetings as well as the
quarterly SCS sponsored Assistant
Principals' Meetings with a focus on
discipline and attendance.