Page 121 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 121
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Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.
Original All students will have access to resources, services and programs that provide a safe and motivating learning Related State and/or Local Priorities:
GOAL 7 experience that fosters school connectedness. 1 2 3 X 4 5 X 6 X 7 8 8
from prior
year COE only: 9 10 0
Local : Specify
Goal Applies to: Schools: All Schools
Applicable Pupil All significant subgroups, English Learners, Low Income and Foster Youth
Expected Increase awareness / access to counseling and other mental Actual COSA was assigned to support counselors with college and
Annual health services to improve student outcomes and sense of well- Annual career planning at the secondary sights. Based on LCAP
Measurable being. Measurable survey responses to increase connectedness, an administrative
Outcomes: Increase student’s school connectedness through increased Outcomes: director was hired to oversee the systems and processes that
PBIS, school activities and events at all schools. related to student engagement. The overall truancy rate for the
Reduction of suspensions, truancies, dropout rates last official state calculated year of 2013-2014 was 13.47%.
Increase graduation rates OUSD estimates the truancy rate in 2014-2015 was at 14.9%.
Thus far in the 2015-2016 school year, the truancy rate was at
2.17%. For our numbers of PBIS Schools please refer to
Appendix A graphs 24a-c.
LCAP Year: 2015-16
Planned Actions/Services Actual Actions/Services
Budgeted Expenditures Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures
GATE (program and material cost) (Curriculum) Base $31,500 All 3rd grade students had access to (Curriculum) Base $30,000
universal screening for GATE. Other
grade level students were tested as
needed through parent and teacher
Scope of LEA Wide Scope of LEA Wide
Service Service
X All X All
OR:------- OR:
Low Income pupils Low Income pupils
English Learners English Learners
Foster Youth Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent English Redesignated fluent English proficient
proficient Other Subgroups: (Specify)
Other Subgroups: (Specify)