Page 125 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 125

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         Staff to support student engagement   (Sp.Ed)  Supplemental $923,849   Elementary level Mental Health       (Sp.Ed)  Supplemental $ 700,000
                                                                               Counselors are utilized to provide
         Increase pupil engagement via mental                                  ongoing support to Special Education,      (Ath/Act)  Supplemental $ 186,706
         health  and social skill development                                  Homeless, and Foster Youth students.
         support with  Mental health                                           Mental Health counselors,
         counselors, psychologists, and                                        psychologists, and nurses provide
         nurses.                                                               support for school connectedness and
                                                                               student engagement

                                                                               Provided an Administrative Director to
                                                                               oversee Athletics, Activities and School
          Scope of  LEA Wide                                                    Scope of   LEA Wide
          Service                                                               Service

         X All                                                                 X All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
            Low Income pupils                                                     Low Income pupils
            English Learners                                                      English Learners
            Foster Youth                                                          Foster Youth
            Redesignated fluent English                                           Redesignated fluent English proficient
         proficient                                                               Other Subgroups: (Specify)
            Other Subgroups: (Specify)

         The Office of Student Community     (SCS)   no cost                   SCS has worked with each school site   (SCS)   no cost
         Services diligently monitors student                                  to maintain attendance on track with
         attendance, truancies and                                             last year's mark of over 96.23% overall
         absenteeism throughout the year. The                                  (Up .07% from 2013-2014) and 96.52%
         Administrative Director, Coordinators                                 for K-8 overall attendance, one of the
         and the Senior Staff Clerk regularly                                  highest attendance rates for both
         ran the appropriate attendance                                        categories in the entire county and
         reports, communicated with school                                     state. The OUSD truancy rate as of
         sites regarding students with                                         mid-January, 2016 was at 2.17%,
         attendance concerns and made home                                     again, one of the lowest rates in the
         visits when prudent.                                                  county and state. The SCS
                                                                               Administrative Director and the
                                                                               Coordinators have held regular
                                                                               meetings and training sessions with the
                                                                               Principals and Assistant Principals to
                                                                               maintain attendance as a primary
                                                                               focus. In an effort to stay abreast
                                                                               current attendance rates and strategies
                                                                               to improve attendance rates, SCS
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