Page 128 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
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What changes in actions, The Office of Student Community Services (SCS) offers quarterly site attendance award winners for Most Improved for the
services, and expenditures will be current year, Most Improved from year-to-year, Highest Overall Attendance Rate for the
made as a result of reviewing current year and Highest Overall Attendance Rate from year-to-year. Each winning school receives a Certificate and receives
past progress and/or changes to a photograph and positive publicity on the Orange Unified School District website. Praise and recognition are part of the
goals? internal locus of control philosophy of this office in motivating our leaders to maintain and also increase attendance and lower
truancy. Our Coordinator of Foster Youth and McKinney Vento is planning on expanding services for our McKinney Vento
students with an addition of clerical support for our Foster Youth and McKinney Vento Students to support the Coordinator..
We would like to explore pre-school support as well as additional services and materials to meet the growing numbers of
McKinney Vento students in our district. An addition of a Administrative Director of Athletics and School Connectedness was
put in place and for the 16-17 school year will be expanding the programs offered at middle schools as well as streamlining
high school athletics and work with our PBIS schools in maintaining and expanding their program for safe and welcoming
schools. We will need to add to our budget, CYS Services such as JADE, DECISIONS and PATHWAYS to support our
students. We seek to minimize the number of students in crisis all the way up to expulsion by establishing prevention and
early intervention practices. Orange Unified School District pursues a variety of strategies in an effort to educate students and
establish a safe and caring climate to prevent student misconduct. When warranted, disciplinary measures are implemented
consistent with district policies and procedures to ensure fair and consistent disciplinary measures. These efforts will continue
to prevent any disproportionate representation of minority students recommended for expulsion. Recommendations for
expulsion occur when student and campus safety is threatened or when remediation efforts have not been successful.
Orange Unified School District engages in a number of preventative and proactive strategies including our very prominent
partnership with California Youth Services (CYS). CYS is an organization dedicated to helping parents successfully navigate
their children through adolescence. CYS provides JADE (Juvenile Alcohol and Drug Education), DECISIONS (Legal
Awareness Program), COUNSELING (Individuals, Couples and Families) and drug testing. Currently, we have referred near
90 students to CYS to assist in students’ placement/expulsion remediation plans which has already exceeded last year’s
amount of referrals.
Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.