Page 131 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 131
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Professional development on the needs of our English Learners by focusing on the English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Standards and Frameworks. OUSD
participates in a trainer of trainer model with many initiatives. Teacher leaders such as EL Advisors, Academic Language Mentors, Instructional Specialists and RTI teachers
will attend ELA/English Language Development trainings to further develop their skills and strategies in supporting English Learners in content classes, as well as English
Language Development classes. Then return to their sites to deliver the information to the entire staff. Our goal is to expand their knowledge of the ELA/ELD frameworks,
introduce or refresh on use of GLAD strategies and Thinking Map integration into curriculum. The overarching focus is how to build the academic language use of students
throughout their school day. This will help English learners to attain English proficiency while mastering the content.
Focus on instructional practices in math. Administrators and teacher leaders will be provided with ongoing professional development in the area of math. With the
addition of Scholastic Math Inventory, teachers now can progress monitor students in math throughout the year. Various math interventions will be available before,
during and outside of the instructional day to support English learners, Low Income an Foster Youth students in mastering the California Math Standards. This will close
the gap between math achievement of these targeted subgroups of students and other subgroups of students.
Additional staff and resources to meet needs of unduplicated subgroup of students enhance their learning. Through the support of staff and programs, English Learners,
Low Income and Foster Youth students will have opportunities to prepare them for college and career as well as meet the demands of the Common Core State Standards.
Community Liaisons available at sites requiring the additional support in Spanish for parent communication and engagement.
Resources for English Learners, Low Income and Foster Youth students will be purchased. Particularly, supplemental instructional materials and additional
support/services are planned to help increase low income/homeless students' connection to school and motivate them to learn. Providing science kits access in
elementary to allow for hands-on learning for our English Learners, Low Income and Foster Youth to explore topics in science. This also includes the purchase of mobile
devices such as iPads or laptops to be used in classes to access appropriate software/apps to support their learning needs. In addition a plan for extended learning
opportunities to target these significant subgroups to provide additional academic language instruction and intervention support. Transportation services will also be
provided to our population of homeless students to allow optimal access to resources and programs.
SAT and ACT waivers for low income and foster youth students. By funding college preparatory test fees and resources for this targeted subgroup of students, this will
increase the opportunity for them to attend college.
Support for foster youth and homeless families through services for both students and parents. Resources, programs and support will be provided to these identified
students in order to improve their academic environment and their sense of well-being. A Foster Youth Mentor Program is expanding at each school site to support the
needs of our large Foster Youth population.
Professional development for staff on the needs of foster youth, low income, and special needs students. Professional development focusing on topics in helping staff
understand the needs of these target group of students has been planned. This will improve the service to foster youth, low income, and special needs students.
Increase of ERWC, ELD, AVID, AVID Excel and AP/IB sections to improve student learning for English Learners. Through their participation in these courses, students will
have opportunities to enhance their learning that will better prepare them for college and career.