Page 113 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 113

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         What changes in actions,       Since hiring TOSAs who are focused upon increasing parent engagement in the schools, we would like to provide a series of
         services, and expenditures will be  parent education topics focused on English Learners, Low Income and all other significant subgroups.  Provide professional
         made as a result of reviewing   development to administrators on strategies and methods to increase parent and family involvement when working with their
         past progress and/or changes to   diverse populations.  We also will encourage principals to take back suggestions collected from stakeholder groups via the
         goals?                         LCAP survey to enhance their programs at their individual sites.  We are also exploring how to access more community
                                        resources and make them more accessible for each school community especially targeting the English Learner, Foster
                                        Youth, and Hispanic populations of our .  Our District Advisory Committee also requested a refresher course on the academic
                                        content and performance standards and a support for parents on digital citizenship and technology access at home.  Foster
                                        Youth Connections parent meetings have been well received and next year we anticipate the need to hire an oral interpreter
                                        to be present at the meetings.  From our analysis of stakeholder input we also need to provide more opportunities for families
                                        to learn how to get college and career ready via career fairs, college nights.  Currently we do provide these, but we need to
                                        publicize to all feeder schools to be sure elementary have access to these events.

        Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118