Page 103 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 103

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                                                                       LCAP Year: 2015-16
                                Planned Actions/Services                                                 Actual Actions/Services
                                                   Budgeted Expenditures                                             Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures
         Student access to intervention and   (Secondary)  Supplemental $80,000   The 4 HS's received 9 sections to   (Secondary)  Supplemental $160,000
         academic support services (credit                                     provide CAHSEE intervention
         recovery, summer school, CAHSEE     (Secondary)  Supplemental                                               (Secondary)  Supplemental $541,000
         support)                            $651,000                          Summer school was held in summer of   (Secondary)  Supplemental $200,000
                                             (Secondary)  Supplemental         2015 for all students needing CR or
                                             $200,000                          acceleration opportunities.

                                                                               Credit recovery offered throughout the
                                                                               year at all secondary sites.

          Scope of  Secondary Schools                                           Scope of   Secondary Schools
          Service                                                               Service

         X All                                                                 X All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
            Low Income pupils                                                     Low Income pupils
            English Learners                                                      English Learners
            Foster Youth                                                          Foster Youth
            Redesignated fluent English                                           Redesignated fluent English proficient
         proficient                                                               Other Subgroups: (Specify)
            Other Subgroups: (Specify)

         Elementary Collaborative Academic   (Elementary)  Supplemental        All Elementary Schools have held      (Elementary)  Supplemental $76,900
         Support team (CAST) meetings to     $52,500                           CAST meetings to monitor student
         monitor student progress and plan                                     progress and plan interventions. Funds
         necessary student interventions.                                      have been used for Subs to release
                                                                               teachers to attend CAST meetings, as
                                                                               well as Subs for TK and Kindergarten
                                                                               teachers to attend training on
                                                                               developmental and emotional
                                                                               interventions for their young students.

          Scope of  Elementary Schools                                          Scope of   Elementary Schools
          Service                                                               Service

         X All                                                                 X All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
            Low Income pupils                                                     Low Income pupils
            English Learners                                                      English Learners
            Foster Youth                                                          Foster Youth
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108