Page 102 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 102

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        Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.

          Original  All students will demonstrate increased competency in real-world, relevant subject area content:  English,   Related State and/or Local Priorities:
          GOAL 4  Math, Science, History, Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Education and English Language Development,   1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8 X  8
         from prior  with additional technology support to enhance student achievement and monitor student progress determined
           year    by baseline data on State Assessments (SBAC, CAHSEE, CELDT) and District local measures.                  COE only:  9     10     0
                                                                                                                                Local : Specify

         Goal Applies to:   Schools:  All schools
                          Applicable Pupil        All significant subgroups, English Learners, Low Income and Foster Youth
           Expected   Increased percentage of students leaving elementary schools   Actual    Additional services and interventions provided improved learning
            Annual   with early literacy skills/fluency at benchmark as measured by   Annual   for all students. School sites offered extended learning time
         Measurable  DIBELS Next (Vport), SMI, SRI                                Measurable  opportunities for students based on student need. Student
          Outcomes:  Additional Extended Day programs and effective interventions will   Outcomes:  achievement was measured by state assessments and district
                     be implemented and progress monitored to improve learning for            local measures.  As of mid April we have a total of 74% of
                     all students, especially English learners, Low Income, and Foster        students in 5th/6th grade at benchmark or above according to
                     Youth.                                                                   DIBELS Next data which measures oral reading fluency.  Our
                     OUSD will improve programs and services to increase graduation           same 5th/6th grade students also show that we have 50% at
                     rates, reduce or maintain dropout rates for middle and high              benchmark in Scholastic Reading Inventory which indicates skill
                     school.                                                                  in comprehension.  For our math progress we are at 31% as
                     Student achievement will be measured by State Assessments                measured on our Scholastic Math Inventory.  Baseline data on
                     (SBAC, CAHSEE, CELDT) and District local measures. Baseline              state assessments was established and we show that at all
                     data will be established.                                                sites, the need to improve in the area of math was apparent. 19
                                                                                              of the 38 sites scored 50% or higher Standard Met or Exceeded
                                                                                              in English Language Arts and only 12 of the 38 scored 50% or
                                                                                              higher Standard Met or Exceeded in Math.  Please refer to
                                                                                              graphs 7a-7g in Appendix A for further detail about each school
                                                                                              site. In 5th grade Science CST OUSD was at or above the
                                                                                              county percentage of proficient and advanced.  In 8th grade
                                                                                              Science CST, OUSD had almost 60% in the Advanced level for
                                                                                              Science.  In 10th grade Science CST OUSD had almost 60% of
                                                                                              the students scoring Proficient or Advanced.  Our CELDT data
                                                                                              shows that for AMAO 1 and AMAO 2 we have exceeded all the
                                                                                              targets in additions to lowering our overall number of LTELS and
                                                                                              raising the number of reclassifications for the prior year.
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