Page 106 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 106

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          Scope of  LEA Wide                                                    Scope of   LEA Wide
          Service                                                               Service

            All                                                                   All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
         X Low Income pupils                                                   X Low Income pupils
         X English Learners                                                    X English Learners
         X Foster Youth                                                        X Foster Youth
            Redesignated fluent English                                           Redesignated fluent English proficient
         proficient                                                               Other Subgroups: (Specify)
            Other Subgroups: (Specify)

         Expand preschool and TK programs to   (Elementary)  Base $201,000     5 new State Preschool classes were    (Elementary)  Base $201,000
         help students become better prepared                                  started this year. The funds came from
         for school                          (Elementary)  Base $50,000        CSPP expansion grant, so no base      (Elementary)  Base $25,000
                                             (Elementary)  Supplemental        funds were utilized.                    (Elementary)  Supplemental $62,100
         Continue staffing support at preschool  $62,100

         (Sr. Secretary for Pre-School)                                        Sr. Secretary for Preschool continued.

         Coordinator, Learning Supports
         Preschool                                                             60% of Preschool Coordinator was

          Scope of  Elementary                                                  Scope of   Elementary Schools
          Service                                                               Service

         X All                                                                 X All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
            Low Income pupils                                                     Low Income pupils
            English Learners                                                      English Learners
            Foster Youth                                                          Foster Youth
            Redesignated fluent English                                           Redesignated fluent English proficient
         proficient                                                               Other Subgroups: (Specify)
            Other Subgroups: (Specify)

         Intervention support for schools,   (Sp. Prog)  Supplemental $900,000    Hired RTI teachers to support      (Sp.Prog)  Supplemental $ 1,124,676
         focusing on the needs of EL, low                                      classroom teachers of low income,
         income, and foster youth students (10                                 foster youth, and EL learners in our
         RTI teachers)                                                         non-Title I schools.
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