Page 97 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 97

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        Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.

          Original  All students will have access to 21st Century courses and programs that enhance college and career   Related State and/or Local Priorities:
          GOAL 3  opportunities, such as Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID), Online Courses (including   1 X  2 X  3     4     5     6     7 X  8     8
         from prior  Accelerated Math Pathway), Expository Reading Writing Course (ERWC), Advanced Placement (AP), College
           year    Board approved A-G courses, Career Technical Education (CTE) resources, and Science, Technology,          COE only:  9     10     0
          LCAP:    Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEM) courses.
                                                                                                                                Local : Specify
         Goal Applies to:   Schools:  All schools
                          Applicable Pupil        All significant subgroups, English Learners, Low Income and Foster Youth
           Expected   Increased course offerings, CTE courses (participation), and   Actual   Course offerings and student enrollment in the aforementioned
            Annual   student enrollment in AP, A-G, AVID, ERWC, Online Courses      Annual    programs increased.  Through a partnership with Equal
         Measurable  (increase in course numbers and student participants), increase   Measurable  Opportunity Schools, each secondary has been addressing and
          Outcomes:  of Special Education students in General Education courses, an   Outcomes:  working towards increasing access to AP, A-G, AVID, ERWC
                     increase in the number of English learners and Reclassified              courses by all significant subgroups.  AMAOS have been
                     students enrolled in AP, A-G, AVID, and ERWC courses.                    continually over the past three years.  We have shown a
                     Increased access to technology in the classroom                          decrease in our Long Term English Learner population.  Please
                     A decrease in the number of Long Term English Learners                   refer to graphs 9d-9e in Appendix A.
                     (LTELS) in elementary school and LTELS in secondary school, so
                     they will have more access to college and career opportunities
                     when in secondary schools.
                                                                       LCAP Year: 2015-16
                                Planned Actions/Services                                                 Actual Actions/Services
                                                   Budgeted Expenditures                                             Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures
         High School Office support          (Secondary)  Base $194,779        Four clerical positions were restored at   (Secondary)  Base $200,428
                                                                               each comprehensive high school to

                                                                               provide additional support the high
                                                                               school assistant principals.  These
                                                                               positions provided additional assistance
                                                                               to enhance the college and career
                                                                               opportunities offered at each high
                                                                               school that are monitored through the
                                                                               Assistant Principals of Curriculum and
                                                                               Guidance.  These opportunities
                                                                               included coordinating the ordering of
                                                                               college readiness assessments,
                                                                               tracking Equal Opportunity School data,
                                                                               scheduling and reporting credit
                                                                               recovery and facilitating the registration
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