Page 94 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 94

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          Scope of  LEA Wide                                                    Scope of   LEA Wide
          Service                                                               Service

            All                                                                   All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
            Low Income pupils                                                     Low Income pupils
         X English Learners                                                    X English Learners
            Foster Youth                                                          Foster Youth
            Redesignated fluent English                                           Redesignated fluent English proficient
         proficient                                                               Other Subgroups: (Specify)
            Other Subgroups: (Specify)

         Professional development for        (SCS)  Supplemental $38,000       All elementary and secondary level    (SCS)  Supplemental $40,000
         principals, teachers and staff on                                     Assistant Principals, Principals, Office
         Foster Youth. This would include                                      Managers, School Nurses, School
         training on Mentor strategies.                                        Psychologists, School Counselors, and
                                                                               School Registrars have received
                                                                               training on Foster Youth definitions,
                                                                               legal and required mandates, and best
                                                                               practices for the education of foster

                                                                               Site specific trainings have also been

                                                                               Connections Mentors program met
                                                                               monthly to support and educate teacher
                                                                               and counselor mentors who work one-
                                                                               on-one with foster youth at school sites.

          Scope of  LEA Wide                                                    Scope of   LEA Wide
          Service                                                               Service

            All                                                                   All
         OR:-------                                                            OR:
            Low Income pupils                                                     Low Income pupils
            English Learners                                                      English Learners
         X Foster Youth                                                        X Foster Youth
            Redesignated fluent English                                           Redesignated fluent English proficient
         proficient                                                               Other Subgroups: (Specify)
            Other Subgroups: (Specify)
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99