Page 62 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
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5.6 Pursue Model SARB accreditation through the LEA Wide X All (SCS) No cost involved
California Department of Education OR:-------
Low Income pupils
English Learners
Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
English proficient
Other Subgroups:
LCAP Year 2: 2017-18
Expected Annual Increase parent participation or programs at school sites for all subgroup of students with emphasis on English Learners, Low Income and
Measurable Foster Youth families.
Pupils to be served within
Scope of Budgeted
Actions/Services identified scope of
Service Expenditures
5.1 a. Accountability and Engagement support and LEA Wide X All (Sp. Prog) Supplemental $117,447
service: OR:-------
Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) Low Income pupils (Sp. Prog) Supplemental $25,000
Student & Family Engagement/LCFF English Learners
Foster Youth
b. LCAP Software/Resources Redesignated fluent
English proficient
Other Subgroups:
5.2 a. Parent trainings, workshops, activities (leadership, LEA Wide X All (Sp. Prog) Supplemental $49,297
college and career engagement/motivation and school OR:-------
site council trainings) Low Income pupils (Sp. Ed) Cost already included in 4.5
English Learners (Sp. Ed) Supplemental $50,000
b. Mental health counselors, psychologists, nurses, and Foster Youth
special education staff continue to provide parent Redesignated fluent
training for increased parent engagement (i.e., disability English proficient
awareness, social/emotional behaviors training, student Other Subgroups:
engagement strategies). (Specify)
c. Additional staff support for special education