Page 61 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 61
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5.3 a. Foster Connections Program. Continue to hold LEA Wide ll (SCS) Supplemental $500
monthly meetings for foster parents and caregivers who OR:-------
have foster children in schools within OUSD. Foster Low Income pupils
Connections serves to educate and to gain input from English Learners
foster parents on programs and services within Orange X Foster Youth
Unified. Education, networking, support, engagement, Redesignated fluent
and the acquisition of feedback from stakeholders are English proficient
goals of the program. Other Subgroups:
b. Oral interpretation needed at each meeting.
5.4 The Student & Community Service staff and the LEA Wide All (SCS) no cost involved
OUSD Mental Health Staff communicate with parents to OR:-------
discuss and design assistance/interventions for Foster Low Income pupils
Youth, McKinney-Vento and At-Risk Youth. English Learners
X Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
English proficient
X Other Subgroups:
McKinney Vento and At-
Risk Youth
5.5 Student and Community Services plays a key role in LEA Wide X All (SCS) No cost involved
assisting in curtailing absenteeism and reducing truancy. OR:-------
Therefore, the SCS Coordinators and Administrative Low Income pupils
Director will continue to meet with students, parents and English Learners
school teams to put into place interventions for identified Foster Youth
students, including homeless students, to increase their Redesignated fluent
likelihood of graduating from high school. English proficient
Other Subgroups:
Professional Development for school staff will continue (Specify)
to provide training sessions for staff to implement
strategies and interventions to enable students to
increase attendance, excel academically and get
involved in school activities, both co-curricular and extra-
curricular. Parents participate through the SARB
process, home visit, and SART. Parents engage in
GRIP as needed.