Page 54 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
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         d. Sections will be added in intervention, academic
         success and SBAC support. (RTI/co-teaching)

         4.2 Elementary Collaborative Academic Support Team   K-6      X All                    (Elementary)  Supplemental $68,527
         (CAST) meetings are implemented to monitor student   Schools   OR:-------
         progress and plan necessary student interventions, and           Low Income pupils
         staff development.                                               English Learners
                                                                          Foster Youth
                                                                          Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:
         4.3 Provide ELD services to improve student        LEA Wide     All                    (Sp. Prog)  Supplemental $1,420,594
         achievement for EL (program and service cost),                OR:-------
         including Language Assessment Center.                            Low Income pupils
                                                                       X English Learners
                                                                          Foster Youth
                                                                          Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:

         4.4 Indirect costs for supporting Language Assessment  LEA Wide     All                (Sp. Prog)  Supplemental $663,165
         Center, Special Programs, and School Sites                    OR:-------
                                                                          Low Income pupils
                                                                       X English Learners
                                                                          Foster Youth
                                                                          Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:

         4.5 a. School site allocation to improve student learning  LEA Wide     All            (School Sites)  Supplemental $3,563,497
         for English Learners, Low Income and Foster Youth             OR:-------
         pupils and indirect costs                                     X Low Income pupils      (Sp.Ed.)  Supplemental $1,149,688
                                                                       X English Learners         (Sp.Ed.)  Supplemental $14,350
         b. Continue supplying services of psychologists, nurses,      X Foster Youth
         and mental health counselors to support student access           Redesignated fluent
         and engagement to enhance college and career                  English proficient
         opportunities.                                                X Other Subgroups:
         c. Extend work year of coordinator in Special Ed. to          Sp. Ed.
         support special populations during summer.
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