Page 50 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
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                   Pupil Outcomes                                                                                      Related State and/or Local Priorities:
                   Goal 4:  All students will demonstrate increased competency in real-world, relevant subject area content:    1     2     3     4 X  5     6     7     8 X  8
                   English, Math, Science, History, Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Education and English Language
         GOAL 4:  Development, with additional technology support to enhance student achievement and monitor student         COE only:  9     10     0
                   progress determined by baseline data on State Assessments (SBAC, CAA, and CELDT) and District local
                   measures.                                                                                                    Local : Specify

         Identified Need :  In order to meet state standards and graduate college and career ready, students need to achieve mastery in real-world relevant subject area
                          content.  Progress must be regularly monitored in order to ensure students are moving towards mastery. Based on most recent state data,
                          93% of OUSD students met the requirements for graduation.   Therefore, OUSD will continue to provide programs and services to meet and
                          exceed state graduation rate targets.
         Goal Applies to:   Schools:  All schools
                          Applicable Pupil        All significant subgroups, English Learners, Low Income and Foster Youth.
                                                                      LCAP Year 1: 2016-17
         Expected Annual  Increase percentage of students leaving elementary schools with early literacy skills/fluency at benchmark as measured by DIBELS Next
            Measurable    (Vport), SMI, SRI
            Outcomes:     Additional Extended Day programs and effective interventions will be implemented to improve learning for all students, especially English
                          learners, Low Income, and Foster Youth.
                          OUSD will improve programs and services to increase graduation rates.

                                                                       Pupils to be served within
                                                             Scope of                                                  Budgeted
                           Actions/Services                               identified scope of
                                                              Service                                                Expenditures
         4.1  Student access to intervention and academic   7-12       X All                    (Secondary)   Supplemental $195,010
         support services (credit recovery, iSchool, summer   Schools   OR:-------
         school and extended learning support).                           Low Income pupils     (Secondary)  Supplemental $550,000
                                                                          English Learners      (Secondary)  Supplemental $341,669
         a. Credit recovery will be offered as an intervention to         Foster Youth          (Ed. Services)  Supplemental $ 445,972
         support at-risk students in need of credit recovery.             Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
         b. Summer school program will be offered to all students         Other Subgroups:
         who need intervention, credit recovery and acceleration       (Specify)

         c. Courses sections in intervention will be offered during
         the school day to support at-risk students.

         d. Sections will be added for intervention, academic
         success and SBAC support. (RTI/Co-teaching sections)
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