Page 47 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
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LCAP Year 3: 2018-19
Expected Annual A further increase of course offerings, CTE courses (participation), enrollment in AP, A-G, AVID, ERWC, Online Courses (increase in course
Measurable numbers and student participants), increase of Special Education students in General Education courses, an increase in the number of
Outcomes: English learners and Reclassified students enrolled in AP, A-G, AVID, and ERWC courses.
Increased access to technology in the classroom
A further decrease in the number of Long Term English Learners (LTELS) leaving elementary school and LTELS in secondary school, so they
will have more access to college and career opportunities when in secondary schools.
Pupils to be served within
Scope of Budgeted
Actions/Services identified scope of
Service Expenditures
3.1 High School Office support High X All (Secondary) Base $214,744
Schools OR:-------
Low Income pupils
English Learners
Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
English proficient
Other Subgroups:
3.2 Offerings of college and career courses, Intervention LEA Wide X All (Secondary) Supplemental $130,086
programs and specialized program resources and OR:-------
services (online academic intervention, AVID). Low Income pupils (Secondary) Supplemental $68,419
a. AVID sections added to schedules to support college English Learners (Secondary) Supplemental $76,581
readiness Foster Youth
Redesignated fluent
b. APEX online credit recovery and original credit English proficient
program to provide opportunities for students who are at Other Subgroups:
-risk to recover credits. (Specify)
c. Edmentum online credit- recovery program to support
students in special populations to recover credits.