Page 43 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 43

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         3.6 Provide differentiated professional development and  LEA Wide     X All            (Curriculum)  Supplemental $671,462
         support for our teachers that helps them to prepare           OR:-------
         students for college and career, such as differentiation         Low Income pupils
         for advanced learners, AVID, Vital Link, Robotics,               English Learners
         interventions, online teaching and CTE support                   Foster Youth
         materials.                                                       Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:

         3.7 Initiate the College Connections Program. College   LEA Wide     All               (Student Community Services)  Supplemental $200
         Connections will help to facilitate the transition process    OR:-------
         from high school to college by providing information and         Low Income pupils
         personalized contact between graduating foster youth             English Learners
         and local community colleges.                                 X Foster Youth
                                                                          Redesignated fluent
         Transportation for Foster Youth to tour SCC.                  English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:

         3.8  Provide students the opportunity to take AP classes  High   X All                 (Secondary)  Supplemental $78,000
         through the Equal Opportunity Schools program that   Schools   OR:-------
         identifies student with AP potential.                            Low Income pupils
                                                                          English Learners
                                                                          Foster Youth
                                                                          Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:

         3.9 Provide expansion of CTE offerings at secondary   7-12    X All                    (Curriculum)  Supplemental $1,184,433
         level.                                             schools    OR:-------
                                                                          Low Income pupils
                                                                          English Learners
                                                                          Foster Youth
                                                                          Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:
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