I love to reward the kids and “catch them being good.” I am big on verbal praise and telling the kids often how proud I am of them. I like to give high fives, thumbs up, have the kids “kiss their brain,” and many other positive things to encourage staying on task, trying their best, and being a good friend. We use the scoreboard as a whole class reward system which you can read about under the scoreboard tab.
I also use table points for the students. It encourages team work and helps the kids remind each other and praise each other on being responsible. At the end of the each month, the table with the most points gets a special lunch date with me! They get to eat their lunches in the classroom with me and watch a movie or have free choice in the room which includes drawing on the white board, playing the piano, playing with legos and building with blocks. I much prefer focusing on positive behavior than negative, it creates a more optimistic environment. When necessary I will handle the more challenging behavior in a positive and constructive manner.