Chapman Hills Elementary School PTA School Supplies Requested

Each year children look forward to buying school supplies and new classroom materials. Due to continuing statewide budget cuts, PTA is asking for your continued support to meet your student's needs for classroom materials. Academic materials and basic supplies (books, paper, pencils) are always provided for your child, however, by supplying the following list of items, it will help to ensure your child has materials that may be in short supply or the school does not supply. It would be greatly appreciated if you could send your child to school on the first day of our new school year with the following supply list based on their new grade level. Your child will use many of the supplies individually, and the class as a whole will use some. An * indicates shared classroom use. Please also purchase a permanent laundry marker to be kept at home and used to mark items such as lunch boxes, umbrellas, jackets, sweatshirts, etc. PTA will once again offer you the opportunity to pre-order these supplies.
3 reams computer (Xerox) paper*
2 pkg. Crayola crayons (thick beginner size)*
1 pkg. Crayola markers
2 pkg. glue sticks (12 count)*
2 boxes Kleenex type tissue*
1 box of wet wipes*
First Grade
3 reams computer (Xerox) paper*
1 doz. #2 pencils*
1 'Space Saver' pencil box (approx. 9x6x3")
1 pkg. Skinny Crayola Classic markers
(8-12 count)
1 pkg. Crayola crayons (24 count)
2 bottles of white school glue (8 oz.)*
1 pkg. (12) glue sticks
1 pair of blunt scissors (Fiskars)
2 boxes of Kleenex type tissue*
2 boxes of wet wipes*
2 Pearl erasers (large pink)*
1 three-ring binder (1/2 inch)
1 spiral notebook (wide ruled)
4 black dry erase markers*
Second Grade
3 reams computer (Xerox) paper*
2 dozen #2 pencils*
1 box (12 count) Crayola colored pencils
4 each blue or red correction pen (8 total)*
2 pkg. Crayola crayons (24 count)
1 three-ring binder (1 inch)
1 spiral notebook (wide ruled)
4 Pearl erasers (large pink)*
1 white school glue (8 oz.)* Elmers
1 pkg (12) glue sticks*
1 pair of scissors (Fiskars)
2 boxes of Kleenex type tissue*
2 box/jar cleaning wipes*
1 pencil box (9x6x3”)
1 pkg. Crayola markers (thin)
Third Grade
3 reams computer (Xerox) paper*
2 doz. #2 pencils*
1 box colored pencils
8 red pencils
3 broad tip dry erase markers- black
1 white board eraser
2 highlighters*
1 pkg. crayons (24 count)
4 Pearl erasers (large pink)*
1 pkg. notebook paper (wide ruled)*
2 pkg. sticky notes (3”x3”)
1 white school glue (8 oz. bottle)*-Elmers
6 glue sticks*
1 pair of sharp scissors (Fiskars)
1 three-ring binder (1 inch)
2 boxes of Kleenex type tissue*
1 box/jar cleaning wipes*
Fourth Grade
3 reams computer (Xerox) paper
2 pkgs. of wet wipes*
2 reams lined paper (college rule)*
1 bottle of white school glue
1 pkg. of graph paper ¼” squares
1 yellow, green or pink highlighter (1 only)
2 doz. #2 pencils*
1 pkg. colored pencils
Plastic pouch to hold pencils
1 pkg. colored markers (fine tip)
4 dry erase markers
1 pkg. crayons (16 count)
1 pkg. of glue sticks (6 count)*
1 pair of scissors
1 three-ring binder (2 inch)
6 dividers for binder or pocket folders
1 plastic box for school supplies
2 pkgs. 3"x5" lined index cards*
1 small stapler (optional)
2 boxes of Kleenex type tissue*
2 red pens or pencils for correcting
1 pkg. pencil top erasers
Fifth Grade
3 reams computer (Xerox) paper*
1 pkg. colored pencils
1 yellow, green & pink highlighter (for Step Up to Writing)
1 box crayola markers (broad tips)
3 doz. #2 pencils*
1 white board eraser (or old, clean sock)
1 pkg. crayons (16 pack)
1 pkg. of graph paper quadrille ¼" squares*
1 pkg. notebook paper – college ruled*
2 spiral notebooks, college ruled (120 pgs.)
1 bottle of white school glue
3 red pens or pencils for correcting
1 pair of scissors (small, sharp)
1 three-ring binder (2 inch)
6 dividers for binder
6 folders with pockets, 3-hole punched
5 dry erase markers (multi-colored)
2 packs of lined 3"x5" index cards*
2 boxes of Kleenex *
1 pkg. of pencil top erasers
1 Plastic pouch to hold pencils
1 pkg. of sticky notes (3x3)
1 glue stick
1 pkg. of wet wipes
Sixth Grade
3 reams computer (Xerox) paper*
1 doz. #2 pencils*
1 pkg. of colored pencils
1 box Crayola markers (broad tip)
1 box crayons (16 count)
2 yellow highlighters
4 broad tip dry eraser markers (replaced
throughout the year as needed)
3 reams lined notebook paper (college ruled)*
1 three-ring binder (1 ½-2 inches)
6 dividers for binder
1 pair of scissors
2 boxes of Kleenex type tissue*
3 small spiral notebooks (college rule 8 ½ x 11”)
2 pkgs. Of lined 3x5 index cards
1 flash drive
2 red/green ballpoint pens
1 box of wet wipes
OPTIONAL: electronic pocket dictionary