OUSD News - 2016

Appointment of Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee Members

ORANGE, CA. – Sept.14, 2016 – To promote transparency with respect to Measure S and provide assurance to taxpayers as to the membership of the Measure S Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee prior to the election, the Board of Education made the Committee appointments at their meeting on September 8, 2016:

Campbell, Bill                              Villa Park             Representative at Large
Retired Business Owner
Former OC Supervisor, State Assemblyman
MBA, Harvard University

Cavecche, Carolyn                      Orange                Bona Fide Tax Payers’ Association
President & CEO, Orange County Tax Payers’ Association
Former City of Orange Mayor
BS, Long Beach State University

Fascenelli, Diana                        Villa Park            Parent Representative
Law Office Administrator/Accountant
City of Villa Park Council Woman, Former Mayor
BS, National University

O’Neil, Trevor                               Anaheim             Business Organization Rep.
Business Owner, President
Immediate Past Chairman of the Board, Orange Chamber of Commerce
BS, California Polytechnic State University

Schuerger, Jennifer                    Orange                Parent-Teacher Organization Rep
Business Owner, CFO
President, Orange Community Council PTA
BA, University of California, Riverside

Shah, Mrunal                                 Anaheim             Representative at Large
Attorney, Public Finance
Member, National Association of Bond Lawyers
JD, Tulane University

Utter, William                              Anaheim             Senior Citizens’ Organization Rep.
Retired, Banker & CFO
President, Board of Directors for the Orange Senior Center
MBA, California State University, Fullerton

Citizens’ Oversight Committees are required to have at least seven members, including a member active in a business organization representing the business community located within the District, a member active in a senior citizens’ organization, a member active in a bona fide taxpayers’ organization, a member that is a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District, and a member that is both a parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District and active in a parent-teacher organization. No employee, vendor, contractor, consultant or official of the District can be a member of the Citizens’ Oversight Committee.



The Orange Unified School District educates approximately 30,000 students in the Cities of Orange, Villa Park, Anaheim, Garden Grove, Santa Ana and county areas.  The school district, founded in 1953, encompasses 108 square miles.  The District office is located at 1401 N. Handy Street, Orange, California.

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