Page 36 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 36

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         2.7 Maintain staff to support student and community   LEA Wide  X All                  (SCS)  Supplemental $61,500
         needs relating to attendance issues.                          OR:-------
                                                                          Low Income pupils
                                                                          English Learners
                                                                          Foster Youth
                                                                          Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:

         2.8  Utilize Multi-Tiered System of Supports, such as   LEA Wide  X All                (Curriculum)  Supplemental $33,000
         Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring in DIBELS         OR:-------
         Next,  to support implementation of state standards and          Low Income pupils
         best practices.                                                  English Learners
                                                                          Foster Youth
                                                                          Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:

         2.9  Provide professional development to teachers that   LEA Wide  X All               (Curriculum)  Supplemental $282,507
         will enhance their instructional practices and build 21st     OR:-------
         century skills in the areas of Math, Science, English            Low Income pupils
         Language Arts, and Social Studies.  The Teacher                  English Learners
         Innovator Program will also build the capacity of                Foster Youth
         teachers through focused training.                               Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:

         2.10  Provide support services for teachers of math to   LEA Wide  X All                (Curriculum)  Supplemental $223,970
         enhance instruction through the incorporation of 21st         OR:-------
         century skills and thus increase student achievement.            Low Income pupils
                                                                          English Learners
                                                                          Foster Youth
                                                                          Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:
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