Page 35 - OUSD LCAP 2016-19
P. 35

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         2.3 Increase outside professional development services  LEA Wide  X All                (Curriculum)  Supplemental $247,000
         and resources to ensure academic success.                     OR:-------
                                                                          Low Income pupils
                                                                          English Learners
                                                                          Foster Youth
                                                                          Redesignated fluent
                                                                       English proficient
                                                                          Other Subgroups:

         2.4 Technology professional development programs and  LEA Wide  X All                  (Tech)  Supplemental $885,798
         resources for teachers and students                           OR:-------
         •   iPilot Program                                               Low Income pupils
         •   eTraining PD Support                                         English Learners
         •   iTeach Program Devices                                       Foster Youth
         •   Tech Festival                                                Redesignated fluent
         •   iLead                                                     English proficient
         •   Tech Talk                                                    Other Subgroups:
         •   1:1/BYOD Program Support                                  (Specify)
         •   1:1  Coaching Time Sub Teacher Support
         •   4.75 Instructional Specialists

         2.5 a. Professional development on English Language   LEA Wide     All                 (Sp. Prog)  Supplemental $40,895
         Development and support staff to increase English             OR:-------               (Sp. Prog)  Supplemental $25,465
         Learners attainment of English proficiency and mastery           Low Income pupils
         of all subjects.                                              X English Learners
                                                                          Foster Youth
         b.  Thinking Maps training, support, and materials for           Redesignated fluent
         high schools, in order to make content more                   English proficient
         comprehensible and allow English learners to acquire             Other Subgroups:
         language while mastering content. (One-two more               (Specify)
         departments at Canyon, Villa Park High School, and El
         Modena.  Continue to support departments that have
         been previously trained at all four high schools.)
         2.6 a. Provide supplemental resources and services to   LEA Wide     All               (Sp. Prog)  Supplemental $15,000
         support academic achievement of EL, Low Income, and           OR:-------
         Foster Youth.                                                 X Low Income pupils        (Sp. Prog)  Supplemental $29,615
                                                                       X English Learners
         b. Additional services and resources provided by              X Foster Youth
         Coordinators in Accountability & Special Programs to             Redesignated fluent
         increase academic achievement for English Learners,           English proficient
         Low Income and Foster Youth students.                            Other Subgroups:
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