Page 12 - District Highlight Brochure
P. 12
dual language immersion visual & performing arts
Spanish Mandarin Chinese
he iInspire Academia at California indergarten, first, second, third, fourth,
TElementary School is an innovative and Kand fifth grade students who enroll in
premier one-to-one iPad program that the Mandarin Dual Language class
seamlessly infuses technology into will be taught in equal parts
a Spanish Immersion curriculum. Mandarin Chinese and English,
Students learn to be bilingual following the 50/50 Chinese/
and biliterate in both English English Instructional Model.
and Spanish while mastering A language assessment
21st century skills. Students will be given to students
will continue their language in second through fifth
skills in middle school and grade. A specialized, trained
high school having the Mandarin teacher will
opportunity to earn college instruct a class of no more
credit by taking Advanced than 30 students. Parents who
Placement (AP) courses in Spanish. would like their child to participate
Students continuing the language in the Mandarin Dual Language
through AP will receive a Seal of Biliteracy on Immersion Program are encouraged to visit
their diploma and college transcripts. Fletcher Elementary School to enroll or call
714-997-6181 to get additional information.
California Elementary School Fletcher Elementary School
1080 N. California St. 515 W. Fletcher St.
Orange, CA 92867 Orange, CA 92965
714-997-6104 714-997-6181