Cambridge is a Bully Free Zone!
We continue to promote being a good citizen and assist one-another to prevent bullying. As we continue on with the school year, we will be talking with the students about the lessons they learned during the bullying assembly. Please talk to your children on how to stop bullying before it begins!
Cambridge is the place to be
Earth and sky and sea to sea.
Reading, writing, ‘rithmetic
We will learn them really quick.
Recess is my favorite time
But music ‘n art are really fine.
Social studies, health on down
I’ll learn ‘em yes, without a frown.
Watch us now as we all grow
Outta the way, we’re on the go!
Oo, oo, ah, ah, ah, ah, WOW!
Cambridge Spirit, catch it NOW!
Tweets by @Cambridge_Elem