Page 16 - OUSD Strategic Plan 2017-2020
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Our Initiatives
Preparing Our Students for the 21st Century
Theory of Action
If we create, an environment of shared collaboration focused on 21st Century Teaching and Learning, collective
accountability will result in urgency for continuous improvement of learning for all students producing increased
collaboration, critical thinking, communication, creativity and citizenship.
Core Initiatives
• Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) (RtI )
High quality 21 century instruction and intervention Leverage
Align 21 Collaboration, critical thinking, communication, creativity and the Experts
Century citizenship Among Us
Student centered / data driven decision making
Resources Universal screening and progress monitoring during instruction &
& Initiatives intervention
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Academic language development
• Collaboration Cycle / Problem Solving
Focus on student learning and set learning goals
Expand roles to support College, Career and STEAM Readiness
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
Collaborative Academic Support Teams (CAST) Use Data to
Unit design with action research
Ask… • Leadership for Learning Guide,
Is it Student K-12 student achievement conferences Reflect &
Focused? Developing in-house experts – Professional Development Adjust
On-going communication about 21 century learning
Network approach to leadership
Strategic Plan
Orange Unified School District Mission Statement: • A minimum of 3-5% point growth in English-Language Arts &
“The Orange Unified School District, being committed to planning Mathematics for all students and the following specific student
for continual improvement, will offer a learning environment of subgroups meeting and/or exceeding standards:
excellence, with high expectations, to provide each student with
the opportunity to be able to compete in the global economy” Foster Youth Hispanic/Latino Students with Disabilities
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged English Language (EL) Learners
Conditions for Student Learning: All students will receive a high
quality • All District subgroups including reclassified ELL’s will maintain
education in a safe environment that prepares them to graduate from high levels of academic mastery and continue to excel on state
high and local assessments
school college, career and ST EAM ready for 21 century challenges. • All English Language Learners will advance in EL proficiency
for every year of instruction as measured by CELDT
Pupil Outcomes: All students will attain mastery or demonstrate
academic • High schools will maintain and/or increase their 2018 four-year
growth toward mastery in core content areas measured by 21 Century graduation rates by 0.25%
Assessments, CAASPP & local assessments. • Student attendance will meet or exceed rates from prior year
• Parent/student engagement will exceed rates from prior year
Engagement: Student and parent engagement will be promoted • Increase by 3-5% the number of students enrolled in CTE,
through an increased sense of safety and improved student climate and AVID, Honors, AP, IB, ERWC, PSAT, SAT, A – G and STEAM
school connectedness as measured by surveys and ongoing training. courses.
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